Thursday, May 21, 2015

DIY Home Decor Welcome Quote

Hello folks! I am back with a DIY home decor tip

Well this one is about my old painting board transformed into a beautiful welcome home board. You can try it too.

It was lying behind my room's curtain for long. It was dirty, black and worn out because of careless charcoal strokes and my strenuous sketching practicing schedules. I have been away from home for a long time for my career and it lied there being useless. My board taught me so much in so less time, i couldn't let it die being a bore. So, it was time to pick, dust it up and get started.

New art supplies are always great to work with but re-purpose and DIY art retain the amazing sense of belonging.

Now the first step to begin with, was looking out for things at my place that will make it artsy once more.                                    

I have bought few artificial flowers to decorate my place, thinking i will use it some day. The day was today.  I started by placing it and visualizing, how and what could be added. Checking the placement and how i will utilize rest of the space. Theme was still missing. 

I had seen it several times and some how have an undying love for this quote about homes, its true and so warm.

No second thoughts on this one.

The hardest part began now. What would be the base colour of the board? 

Suddenly my sister was sharing with me how she likes the black to blue changing shades on wavy chic hairs. The best striking ever. While she was drifting in her makeover fantasies i was mixing my color plates from black to blue. I painted the board in a black to blue ombre shade in another 20 minutes and let to dry.Waited for another day and redid the colors once more.

My reference was somewhat like this-

Added a little white fabric paint for the third coat on top for the bling :P just like that. I believe art is all about trying new things fearlessly. What if it doesn't look good? Well we all have our lessons.

Now I wrote the quote with simple poster color paint using regular pointed brush strokes. I wanted it freehand writing, no fonts. It went well except the hay wired HOME in my bobbly hand writing. But thats ok! 

Right corner was safe for my golden beauties, I was candidly loving the theme of blue white and golden. 

For this, I drew an outline with light strokes of a charcoal pencil just to get a guide to be pushing in the golden thumb tacks.

After the heart outline it was time to add a little wind chime effect to my welcome home board. Bought 5 small screw hooks and these lovely looking tiny little cow bells from a store near to my place. This was eventually the only thing i spent on except my creativity while doing this.

Placed them at an equal distance right below the board to make them all harmonically swing along with the wind in my patio.

And here is the final look!


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